Before the world finally sits up to take notice of our greatness, we have to make money somehow. So while waiting for that amazing editor or agent to get through the slush pile to find our gems, here are some places asking for our creative genius. As always, be careful and do research before you submit to ANY website. It takes five minutes to do a background check, and will forever protect your work and your pocket. Best bet: Twitter the publisher you are thinking of using to see what other authors' experiences have been.
Textnovel: Their annual contest is up and running! Prize is $1000.
The Enchanted Conversation: Looking for rewrites on popular fairy tales they've selected. Payment if selected=$.04 a word.
Samhain Publishing: Actively seeking three submission categories right now, including Steampunk.
Erotic Readers Submission page: A very comprehensive list of erotic-themed magazines, e-zines, traditional publishers and e-publishers looking for your work.
LL Dreamspell: Is looking for submissions for 3 of their anthologies--
Erotic Dreamspell - Sizzling erotica - paranormal themes preferred
Romance of my Dreams Volume 2 - Mainstream romance - sexy but not erotica
Dreamspell Revenge 2- Suspense, Mystery, or other genre stories with a revenge theme
Pine Hill Press: Looking for just about everything, from space science fiction, to werewolve, to halloween myteries, check out this extensive wish list.
DRT Press: Quote-”is your child easy to love, but hard to parent? drt press wants your stories about parenting a child with adhd/add/odd or other behavioral issues for our upcoming anthology.” It look like this would be a fundraising anthology.
Writer's Digest Annual Writing Competition: $3000 grand prize and a trip to NYC.
2010 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award: I know, I know, Amazon, Macmillan, and the lot are all being greedy buggers and playing with author's and agents livelyhoods, but it still is a way to get published. If you are against Amazon and their bully tactics (Yes, I am taking sides, here) then ignore this one. If you want to get your stuff out there, they try for it. Quote-”a chance to win one of two $15,000 publishing contracts with Penguin USA and distribution of your novel on “
Literary Market Calls For Submission: An nice list of markets looking for more *snort* literary work. (Why did I snort? I'm not much of a literary girl. I like me some rolling in the hay, if you know what I mean.)
So there are a few that have been going around. As always, join and search through Duotrope's amazing list, organized by category, of submission calls. They are a truly amazing resource for us starting, and I donate a little each month to keep them running, since they give out the info FOR FREE.
And no, I did not get to finish my novel WICKED ENCHANTMENT in 31 days. I tried, and wrote everyday, but of course, at the last leg, some things came up that derailed me. So, My aim is to finish it up this weekend. I may have been knocked down, but I'll be damned if I stay there!
Happy Holidays!
5 years ago
This is wonderfully helpful. Thank you.
And life refuses to acknowledge our writing schedules, doesn't it? Somehow we manage despite it.
Another one to add for those who are itching to do a horror:
Fearology:A Phobia Anthology is looking for some knew brains. Payment is $.01 wrd
Great list!
And I'm sure you'll finish up this weekend. I'm rooting for ya!
Robin - You did a damn fine job getting as close as you did to finishing "Wicked Enchantment" in January and I'm proud as hell of you! Have a great writing weekend - I know you'll get this puppy finished. :-)
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