I’m not like the other Textnovel Divas. These girls are fast… fast writers, anyway. Just for instance, Shannon finished 13 to Life in five weeks, and Saranna DeWylde recently wrote 10,000 words in a single day to finish How to Lose a Demon in 10 Days.
10,000 words has sometimes been my annual total.
The thing is, to quote a poster one of my critique partners gave me, “Writers write; everyone else makes excuses.” Yes, it was a hint - and I took it in the spirit in which it was intended. She loves me and wants to see me increase my productivity so I can reach my writing goals. I want the same thing. Towards that end, I’m a big fan of Club 100.
Club 100 is the brainchild of romance writer Beth Pattillo. It involves a simple challenge: Write at least 100 words a day for 100 days. Each person sets their own rules about how many days they want to write – some write every day, while others allow themselves weekends off, or a “floating” day off once a week. Similarly, some writers only count words on their fiction works in progress, while others count “business” writing like query letters, or even blogs. In other words, everyone gets to set whatever rules work best for them.
Club 100 members have a yahoo loop where we post our progress and give each other encouragement. When someone hits 100 days, besides praise and adoration from the group, they get a cyber tiara. For my first tiara, earned last December 22, I chose diamonds. Unfortunately, I haven’t put together another 100 day string since, but when I do, my next tiara will be emeralds – to match my eyes. Many of us find that once we sit down to write 100 words, we fly right past that target and write a lot more. Others often write close to the minimum – but even at only 100 words a day, the words pile up quickly and manuscripts get finished.
To read more about Club 100, check out http://www.bethpattillo.com/id8.html. Fellow tortoises who’d like to join can send an e-mail to Club100writers-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. The more the merrier - we’d love to have you!
On another note… today will be a big day for me. I’m waiting to hear whether Confessions of the World’s Oldest Shotgun Bride has made the top 5 in the Dorchester Publishing Co./Textnovel.com America’s Next Best Celler contest, and whether the potential buyers have accepted my counteroffer to buy my home in Virginia.
If both answers are no, I’ll have to drown my sorrows in several chocolate martinis.
Of course, if both answers are yes, I’ll have celebrate with several chocolate martinis. And a split verdict will also require a chocolate martini or two or several.
Meantime, a chocolate martini salute to fellow Divas and finalists Saranna DeWylde and Courtney Sheets. If I can’t win, I hope one of you does. Cheers!
Happy Holidays!
5 years ago
I am a slow writer too and your hope gives me hope. We can do it, I am right there behind you...trudging my writing feet of course. *winks* Does blog comments count in my 100 words? no. DRATZ! --Casse
Congrats on making the top 5!!!! Woot!
Casse - Thanks so much for dropping by, but I still have to tell you, tweets don't count either! ;-)
Deborah - Thanks! I'm pretty jazzed to still be in this thing, along with Saranna "Amazon Goddess" DeWylde. I think having two Divas in the top 5 is a pretty damned fine showing! :-)
If only Liane could be with us...
Slow writer here. I would love to do the thousand a day, and given another life, I could. But most days, it's less than 500, although I have been known to have the occassional 5000 word bender. But I'm slow because I insist on each page being perfect before I move on.
The good news is my first draft is usually my last one unless I break my own rule and fast draft. Then it takes me months to fix it.
Congrats, Gail! I'm so proud of you.
First of all, congrats Gail and Saranna, you both totally rock!
I have my shooting star moments too, then other times I'm lucky if I even get to open the file of one of my WIP in a week.
We all have to do what works for us ;-) Slow and steady really can win the race.
Gail... Omg omg omg omg! In case you didn't know what that was, it was the cyber version of me jumping and and down and hugging you really tight. Congrats.
We made a great showing! And I hope there is still more to come for both all us. *g*
100 words a day? You can do that.
It should also be mentioned that after 10K, I had a word hangover and I couldn't remember how to spell things as simple as c-a-t. My brain was mush for days.
Whatever you're doing, it's working because your story is a lot of fun and a great read. I think the process, while alike in many ways for all of us, is still a unique snowflake in other aspects for each writer.
And hey, did you just call me a fast woman? If so, thanks. *laughs*
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